Board of Directors Approved 04/06/07
March 7, 2006

Present: Williams, Hakenen, Fisher, Passalacqua, Sullivan, Machado, The Honorable James F. Moelk (ret), Story, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Young, Hotaling, Curtola, King

The meeting commenced at 6:05 p.m.

Minutes of February 2, 2006
Fisher motioned to approve, Sullivan seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members: Frank & Tamara Carges and Dennis & Cecilia Paulley.
Sullivan motioned to approve both applicants with the exception that the Paulley's meet with a representative of the membership committee prior to purchasing.
The Board took note of two Notice To Sell forms, and two notices to reduce the selling price of memberships. These notices will be effective for sale Wednesday, March 8, 2006.

Committee Reports

Green: The committee continues to discuss the repairs to #17 green and the cart path work remaining on the master plan II project list. Green design concepts from the architect (Graves & Pascuzzo) have been received. The design shows the #17 green location moved 10-15 yards forward. The purpose of this was to keep the culvert out from under the green and leave room to improve #18 tee. This is a great opportunity to correct several problems with #18 tee. The #18 tee needs to be enlarged, realigned and reworked to allow a safer entry and exit for the walkers. The work to both the green and tee requires additional (1,000 + yards) topsoil to be purchased. It is also mentioned that dry conditions will be needed to truck the material to the site to start the project. This will take several weeks after the rains stop. The committee is requesting $80,000 to complete the green and rework the #18 tee. Sullivan motioned to increase the construction budget an additional $80,000. Fisher seconded, the motion carried.

Golf: The committee is discussing a new tournament which will be implemented this year called "Member-Member." It is a 9 hole match similar to the Men's Invitational. The member letter forwarded by the Board of Directors regarding range balls and the golf shop television was discussed. The committee will be making a recommendation to the Board.

House: Many members have been complaining about the deterioration of the big screen television in the Terrace. Capozzo has consulted with a Club member who is knowledgeable in this technology. The member recommended to wait an additional two to three months for advanced technology in televisions. The Board declined the recommendation to wait as they feel the service will not be available to accommodate the advanced technology. Capozzo requested an amount not to exceed $6,000 to purchase a new television. The Board approved.

Tennis: A punch list was completed today to present to the contractor. The building is still in need of power before a permit to open can be issued from the county. PG&E has received a signed contract and check from the Club to install the new transformer. PG&E will contact the Club with an installation date as soon as possible.

Membership: The membership committee is contacting other Club committees for input on social memberships. The membership committee is requesting to know if the Board is interested in pursuing a corporate class of membership and updating the website. The Board declined interest in either topic. Williams will contact the Club's attorney on the status of a written opinion on the membership committee's letter inviting new local homeowner to visit GVCC, and the status of the guidelines of wording that is permissible to send and what wording cannot be stated in the letter.

B&G: Working on locating an area to build additional cart sheds. There is conversation on a double deck shed at the upper parking lot. The committee continues to look for other options.

Phone at #8 Tee
Story is working on this project and plans to have a report on an installation date for the phone to the April Board.

Letter on Social Memberships: A member letter expressing an opinion on a social class of membership. The Board expressed appreciation and will respond with a letter.

GVCC Fundraiser
The Board asked the general manager to verify tax laws regarding GVCC having a member only fundraiser for Club projects.

S.I.D. Bids
Solano Irrigation District (S.I.D.) has received bids for the construction upgrade of a main water line to the GVCC golf course. The Club is waiting for an analysis of the bids.

Machado motioned to adjourn, Passalacqua seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
The Honorable James F. Moelk, (ret.)